Arm liposuction

Arm liposuction is a surgical intervention method used to remove fat in the shoulder and triceps region.



Over time, the arm loses its tight shape for many reasons, such as aging, weight gain, or loss.
Besides, it is hard to eliminate the fat in the arms by sport or diet. Sagging occur over time in the arm that cannot get back its appearance by itself. Liposuction is the best solution to get rid of these fats.

Liposuction sadece yağları yok etmek için değil, aynı zamanda hastanın vücudunu kendilerini görmek istedikleri şekle dönüştürmek için de etkili bir yöntemdir. Orantılı bir görünüm için kol liposuction ameliyatı, hastaların vücutlarına uygun ince oranlara ulaşmalarına yardımcı olabilir. Liposuction için cilt elastikiyetinin çok önemli olduğunu hastalar bilmelidir. Cilt elastikiyeti ve cilt tonu iyi olan kişiler, başarılı liposuction için en iyisidir.


At Tumescent liposuction, lidocaine and epinephrine make fat swollen and thus easier to identify and remove the fat cells. An anesthetic is injected into pockets of fat to make them swell and, a suction device with a cannula attached is used to remove fat cells. Tumescent Liposuction’s advantages are that it does not cause much bleeding and bruising. But Tumescent does not have the best technological enhancement.
Power-assisted liposuction uses a cannula attached to an oscillating handpiece which is a popular body-sculpting technology. The vibration that the oscillating handpiece provides helps to break down the dense fat tissue quicker and easier for a faster recovery.
Ultrasound uses sound waves which are high-frequency that can create a high amount of energy. Sound waves are focused on fat tissues and make it easier to dissolve the fat cells. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is mostly used in areas that have more stiff fat. Another advantage of UAL is, a larger volume of fat can be safely removed since it is liquified and less likely to bruise or bleed.
Suction-assisted is the oldest type of liposuction. In this type of liposuction, small incisions are made over the operation area. A needle called a cannula is inserted through the incisions to suction out the fat cells. There are several disadvantages of Suction-assisted liposuction as well. SAL causes more bleeding and bruising than other liposuction methods and, it is harder to control fat removal. People often have to have more than one treatment to get the results they want.
Power-assisted liposuction uses a cannula attached to an oscillating handpiece which is a popular body-sculpting technology. The vibration that the oscillating handpiece provides helps to break down the dense fat tissue quicker and easier for a faster recovery.
Radio-Frequency-assisted liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that uses thermal energy to remove unwanted fat. Radio-Frequency waves liquefy the fat and, they are suctioned from the body by the cannula at this method. At the same time, radio-frequency also stimulate the production of collagen beneath the skin.

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The best candidates for arm liposuction suffer from unwanted fat pockets located in the arm area.Also, people whose bones structure and skin growth have completed and over 18 years can undergo Arm Liposuction after the doctor agrees.

Being one of the top destinations for medical tourism, Turkey has a booming, cost-effective, and high-end health and medical services industry. Completed with internationally accredited surgeons and experts with celebrity level reputations, a reliable infrastructure, and very affordable prices of Turkey’s health and medical services industry quickly offers very high-end services, high standards with very cost-competitive prices.

Liposuction is done for fat removal and sculpting. If patients have flabby arms, Arm Liposuction is the best option.If you want to tighten and get rid of your stretch marks, Arm Lift may be a better option for you.

You can go back to normal life after a day or two days.

It can be permanent if you follow a healthy lifestyle.

Arm Liposuction is done by making a 0.5 cm incision, so there will be no scars.

It can be necessary to use a medical corset for 7-15 days, and your doctor will give you detailed information about it.

It is possible to repeat the procedure depending on the patient’s desire and the doctor’s agreement.

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