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Laser eye surgery, popularly known as eye drawing, is basically reshaping the cornea, which is the transparent layer that filters light, with the help of laser beams, and in certain cases, the problems of myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia are eliminated.



General applications are aimed at solving vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia (age-related nearsightedness). Laser eye surgery, which can be applied for these reasons and many other reasons, is performed with the advice of a doctor after various examination procedures. Some of the points to be considered here are the suitability of the patient’s corneal thickness and shape for treatment. In addition, the patient’s age, health history and visual defect number are also important in deciding whether they are suitable for laser eye surgery. Laser is an extremely powerful type of light. It is used for different purposes such as burning, cutting and evaporation in many areas of daily life. With the light used for the operation, there is no cutting and splitting situation in general terms. During the procedure, the patient is asked to look fixedly at a certain point, and an eye drawing operation is performed by sending a laser beam to a certain area on the outer surface of the cornea.

Laser Treatment Methods

No Touch Lazer (TranskPRK)
Touch laser cannot be applied to patients with distance and near vision problems. The procedure, which starts with the instillation of anesthetic drops into the eye, takes between 50 seconds and 1 minute. There is no eye contact during the procedure. In addition, it can be applied to people who have had cataract surgery before the contactless laser procedure and are prone to tearing their retinas, if there are suitable conditions. Finally, patients with thin corneas and right angles can also be operated without touching them. Since the no touch laser process is non-contact, it does not have the feature of surgery. In other words, it is not an application like cataract surgery.
The Lasik method is an extremely reliable method that has been used for years. It begins with anesthetizing the eye tissue with anesthetic drops. In this way, the patient does not feel anything during the operation. A valve is then removed from the cornea using an instrument called a microkeratome. This is called corneal flap creation. The corneal flap is folded back and removed from the area where the laser will be applied. Excimer laser beams are sent to the tissue under the removed part. LASIK method is a suitable method for eliminating myopia and hyperopia problems. The patient does not feel any pain during the application. Improvement in vision begins to give satisfactory results within 3-5 days.
iLASIK (Intralase LASIK)
The iLASIK method is performed using wavefront technology and intralase, that is, the wingless method. Apart from the treatment of vision disorders such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, this method is also used in the preparation of the canal suitable for the rings used in the treatment of keratoconus and in the application of keratoplasty. The incision required for LASIK is made with controlled femtosecond rays with the help of a computer system. With the wavefront technology used in the iLASIK method, corneal mapping of patients can be performed. In this way, personalized treatment can be applied. Apart from the correction of vision problems, laser treatments are used for the relief of dry eyes, glaucoma, and retinal vascular problems. These are applications that are generally performed in the practice environment and in the patient's chair.

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Ayrılma sırasında süt kanalının meme ucunu içe doğru çekmemesi için bir kesi yapılır. Ayırma yöntemi uzatma tekniğine göre daha iyi ve uzun süreli sonuçlar verir ancak hasta bu işlemden sonra emziremez. Bu nedenle hastalar emzirmeyi planlıyorsa bunu cerrahlarına söylemelidirler. Süt kanallarını ayırmak için kullanılabilecek birçok farklı teknik vardır. Her biri farklı yara izlerine neden olabilir. Bu nedenle hasta kullanılacak teknik hakkında bilgilendirilir. Trambolin etkisi: Cerrah, meme ucunun altında bir trambolin etkisi yaratmak ve meme ucunu ters pozisyonda tutmak için meme dokusunun bir kısmını kullanır. Meme ucunun ayrılması: Süt kanallarına ulaşmak için meme başı dikey olarak açılır ve ayırma işlemi yapılır. Areola kesisi: Süt kanallarını belirlemek ve ayırmak için areola ile memenin birleştiği yerde bir kesi yapılır.


You can usually go to work the next day. Using your medications regularly as recommended by your doctor is as important as the surgery itself. We recommend wearing sunglasses as the sun rays can be irritating. You can do all your sports and social activities such as walking, cycling, aerobics. You can board the plane. However, in order not to get an infection, one should not go into the pool or the sea for about 20 days. After the first month, you can start using colored lenses for cosmetic purposes if you wish.

If the eye structure is suitable, laser can be applied to any number who needs glasses and does not want to wear glasses.

Laser surgery is completed in about 5-10 minutes.

Laser myopia treatment, also known as eye drawing surgery, resolves the complaint of farsightedness definitively and permanently. Thanks to the developing technologies, laser myopia treatment has very high success rates.

Possible Risks of Lasik Surgery. Complications that cause vision loss are very rare. However, some side effects of LASIK eye surgery, especially temporary vision problems such as dry eye and glare, are quite common.

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