Contact us for Professional Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery, also commonly known as breast augmentation, is a surgical procedure that involves implants or fat transfer to increase the size of the breast.


What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the enlargement of the existing breast volume by placing a prosthesis under the breast tissue. During the breast augmentation process, the recovery of the breast tissue should be performed simultaneously against sagging and looseness, if any. In Which Situations Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Performed? Breast augmentation surgery is most often performed to increase breast size in women who are not satisfied with their breast size. Apart from this, breast augmentation surgery can be performed for different reasons. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed to support the recovery of sagging and loosing breasts after breastfeeding or serious weight loss. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed to provide breast volume to women whose breast structure has not developed due to chest wall anomaly. In addition to these situations, breast augmentation surgeries with prosthesis can be performed to create breasts during the sex change process.

Breast Augmentation Methods

In a full tummy tuck, an incision is made and the skin incisions as well as excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue in or under the abdomen are removed. Abdominal laxity is also corrected and the skin incisions are closed with sutures. Better results are obtained by combining it with liposuction.
Mini tummy tuck surgery, which is performed due to excess skin after weight loss or pregnancy, requires a 10-20 cm scar in the groin area. Surgery does not relocate the navel or remove excess skin. Mini tummy tuck is not recommended for every patient, as the belly button only slightly improves.
Extended abdominoplasty can remove more skin from the abdomen than other methods. Therefore, this method is more suitable for patients who have lost significant weight. A widening tummy tuck is also performed with an oval incision to free and reposition the navel after excess skin is removed.
Fleur-De-Lis abdominoplasty surgery can be preferred in patients who have lost excess weight after bariatric procedures or have excess skin in the abdomen. In this technique, fat tissue is removed along with the excess skin and the appearance of the abdominal muscles can be corrected with a standard Abdominoplasty incision.

Preliminary information

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Numerous studies and findings from the National Cancer Institute have revealed that implants do not prevent breast cancer from being detected by women or their doctors.

Patients are advised to start walking after surgery. However, some intense physical exercise should not be done for six weeks after treatment.

After breast augmentation surgery, people can become pregnant and breastfeed. The operation does not pose any problem in this respect.

The age limit may vary from person to person and according to their physical condition. As in other aesthetic and plastic operations, the age limit for this operation is 18 years, when tissue and bone development is completed.

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