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They are dark-colored formations formed on the skin by melanocyte cells, which are responsible for the color formation of the skin. There are moles that are colorless or blue in color, although they are often darker than the skin.


Mole (Nevus) Removal Surgery

An incision is made about twice the size of the mole to be removed from the skin. Mole removed the root along with all the sub-tissues. The incision is then sutured. After the operation in which local anesthesia is applied, the patient is discharged on the same day. Congenital and acquired moles usually do not constitute an aesthetic problem. However, some moles on the face can make the person quite uncomfortable depending on both the size and the position on the face. Moles that cause aesthetic problems are removed without any problems, either by surgery or by laser method. Dressing is applied for the first four days after mole removal surgery. During this period, the operation area should not be touched with water. The tension felt in the seam area is normal. Stitches are removed after a week or two. This time difference depends on the characteristics of the area where the mole is taken. The suture area will take its completely new shape after 3-4 weeks. After this period, applying special gels and creams that your doctor will recommend will be very useful to keep the surgical scar to a minimum and to reduce the risk of pitting.

Removal of face and body moles methods

Laser removal is usually recommended for non-cancerous or harmless moles. These moles can be flatter and lighter in color and are being removed for cosmetic reasons. With the latest laser technology improvements, surgeons can penetrate deep enough into the skin and with enough power to remove moles without surgery. Laser Mole Removal uses light energy to break down the pigments within the mole. Laser mole removal is a good option for removing a mole from the face with less risk of scarring. A quick visit to Natural Clinic can determine if you are a candidate for laser mole removal.
Some non-cancer moles may be shaved under local anesthesia for aesthetic purposes. For the Shave Removal procedure, the surgeon uses a thin scalpel to carefully removes the mole. A device with a tiny electrode may be used to perform electrosurgical feathering at the end.The feathering helps minimize the excision appearance by blending the edges of the wound with the surrounding skin. Stitches are not needed after a shave excision. The patient may have a pink mark on your skin where the mole was, but this should fade over time. The mole is usually examined under a microscope afterward to check for signs of skin cancer.
Surgical Removal is deeper than shave removal and more like traditional surgery. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and requires a small stitch in the skin afterward. Your dermatologist cuts out the entire mole and below to the subcutaneous fat layer and stitches, then the incision closed. The mole will be examined for cancer cells. You should never try mole removal yourself. The risks of infection and scarring are too high. You may leave cancer cells behind if the mole was cancerous.
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No, it's definitely not harmful to have moles removed. However, the specialist must decide which mole to be removed and how. By using it, it should be determined whether to take me good or to be malicious. For this, your mole is examined with special devices called dermatoscopes.

In some cases, moles may reappear after removal; For example, moles that are more puffy than the skin surface may recur after treatment. This type of moles appears in the form of a small brown color in the old place about 1 month after laser mole removal.

Yes. Some parts, moles may disappear after a while. This may be due to the body's defense system attacking the mole.

When the skin is cut, maintaining the protection causes a scar, but the applied technique and skin structure are very important factors.

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